performance Services
Get in contact to discuss which package is right for you or to discuss bespoke performance needs.
training plan
- A one off training plan that supports you to achieve your performance goal.
- Built around your goals and individualised to your training level and context.
- One off Payment
£100 - £300
(Depending on length & needs of programme).
Endurance Squad
- Training plan on training peaks individualised to your performance goals, race calendar and individualised needs.
- Delivered in 4 week blocks
- Opportunity for feedback and block adaptation every 4 weeks
- Training peaks premium
- Training peaks training and performance tracking.
£150 per month
- Training plan on training peaks individualised to your performance goals, race calendar and individualised needs.
- Weekly feedback and support via training peaks, whatsapp or email.
- Consistent training plan updates linked to coach-athlete discussions.
- Training & race day nutrition guidance.
- Training Peaks premium
- Training peaks training and performance tracking.
£200 per month